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Temporomandibular Disorders (TMJ) Treatment in Guelph, ON

Located in the heart of East Guelph, East Guelph Dental provides expert guidance and treatment for disorders of the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ). We have dedicated ourselves to offering resources to educate individuals on TMJ and the plethora of treatment options. Options like custom-made night guards are often the first line of treatment for these disorders. Let our skilled dentist team empower you with knowledge and innovative solutions for maintaining your oral health and attaining a radiant smile. We offer direct billing to make your TMJ treatment hassle-free and convenient. Call today to learn more and schedule your consultation.

lady holding jaw in pain

Understanding TMJ & Its Causes

TMJ represents various jaw joint and muscle disorders, leading to discomfort in the jaw, face, and, at times, neck and shoulder. The causes can range from genetics, hormones, stress, teeth grinding, or clenching. These complex disorders, characterized by chronic inflammation and pain, affect oral health, quality of life, and smile. At East Guelph Dental, we offer effective TMJ treatments personalized to your needs.

Advantages of Pursuing TMJ Treatment

We use state-of-the-art technology, including digital X-rays, to diagnose accurately and create a comprehensive TMJ treatment plan. To alleviate acute pain before you see us, try a soft diet (think mashed potato consistency), limiting your mouth’s maximum opening by cutting food into smaller pieces and abstaining from hard or excessively chewy food and gum. You can also apply a warm compress over the cheek or joint a few times a day and take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen or naproxen. Some key benefits of our TMJ treatments are:

Pain Relief

Our treatments aim to alleviate the chronic pain associated with TMJ, improving your quality of life.

Enhanced Functionality

TMJ can interfere with simple tasks like eating and conversing. Our treatments restore your jaw's normal function, enabling you to enjoy meals and conversations without discomfort.

Prevention of Further Complications

If left untreated, TMJ can develop into more grave oral health problems like shifting teeth or bone loss. Early treatment can help prevent these complications.

Retaining a Healthy Smile

A healthy smile is aesthetically pleasing and a sign of good oral health. Our TMJ treatments help ensure that your smile remains bright and healthy.

Start Your Journey Towards Relief Today

Living with TMJ discomfort and inconvenience is not a necessity. Our team at East Guelph Dental in East Guelph is ready to guide you toward a pain-free, healthy smile. We handcraft night guards to address TMJ disorders, a treatment you can discuss with our dentists to see if it’s right for you. Don’t let TMJ rule your life. Let us help restore your comfort, function, and a healthy smile. Please schedule an appointment with us today.

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