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Root Canal Therapy in Guelph, ON

Root canal therapy in Guelph, ON is essential for maintaining optimal oral health. At East Guelph Dental, we prioritize your comfort and well-being above all else. Situated in the heart of Guelph, our dedicated team is committed to delivering exceptional dental care tailored to each patient’s needs. With our skilled professionals utilizing cutting-edge technology and advanced techniques, you can relax knowing every root canal treatment is performed efficiently and with minimal discomfort, ensuring your dental health is in good hands. Give us a call today, and we will set up a consultation.

root canal

The Benefits of Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is an excellent way to preserve your natural teeth and maintain a healthy smile. By removing the infected or inflamed pulp, the therapy can save your tooth and protect your mouth from further damage. As well, root canal therapy is a cost-effective solution. It’s less expensive than the alternative of having a tooth extracted and replaced with an artificial one. Plus, with our direct billing option at East Guelph Dental, you can receive the treatment you need without worrying about immediate payment.

We offer root canal therapy if you have severe tooth decay or a tooth infection that is threatening the life and health of your tooth. Root canal therapy can remove infectious tissue and prevent the infection from spreading. It can also help you avoid tooth loss or the need for a tooth extraction.

The Steps of a Root Canal Procedure

Going through a root canal may seem daunting, but understanding the steps can help alleviate any worries. Here’s what you can expect during root canal therapy at East Guelph Dental:


We'll start by taking X-rays to get a clear view of the tooth and surrounding bone.


Although a root canal is no more painful than a regular filling, anesthesia is applied to the affected tooth to ensure comfort.


An opening is made within the tooth, and the diseased pulp is removed.


The roots are cleaned and shaped to make room for the filling.


After cleaning the roots, they are filled with a biocompatible material and sealed off with adhesive cement.


A temporary filling is used to close the opening in your tooth until the restoration procedure can be completed.

someone getting a root canal

Risks / Complications of Root Canal

Root canals are often performed as a result of extensive tooth damage which can leave the tooth weak. During the procedure, the tooth may crack, or the instruments can break in the canal (instrument separation) or perforate the canal (perforation). On occasion this can still be repaired or the broken instrument retrieved by a specialist, but often these complications result in loss of the tooth and need for extraction.

On occasion, an extra small accessory nerve may be present that can be very difficult to find without the use of high powered microscopes. If this occurs, the tooth can be reinfected and this may necessitate referral to a specialist to treat.

It is recommended to place a crown on a tooth after a root canal is performed to prevent the tooth from cracking or the root fracturing.

Schedule Your Root Canal Therapy Today

Don’t let the fear of dental procedures keep you from a healthy smile. At East Guelph Dental, we understand that dental procedures can be nerve-wracking. That’s why we offer sedation dentistry, to ensure your comfort and ease throughout the process. And remember, root canal therapy is not a problem — it’s a solution. A solution bringing you one step closer to a healthier, happier smile. So, why wait? Please schedule your appointment with our team today and take the first step towards better oral care.

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